This Is My Story​

Above all, I’m a believer in the hope of humanity to do good, be brave and create change...

This Is My Story​

I cut my teeth in one of Australia’s toughest industries – fishing. At 23, I was the industry’s youngest female executive officer. In 1997, disillusioned with the corporate world, I left to travel overseas where I wrote two novels.

I returned to Australia to work as a freelance writer and editor and some years later, and at 37 I forged my own path into filmmaking by producing, directing and distributing my first feature documentary Tibet’s Cry for Freedom.

It was done with no experience, no funding and no film agency support. The project was fuelled by a burning desire to use film as a catalyst for change and understanding.

Tibet’s Cry for Freedom screened in Australia, the US, the UK, Europe, and Asia. It was also broadcast in the Czech Republic and New Zealand for three and four years running. The documentary included exclusive interviews with the Dalai Lama and a Tibetan independence activist who broke a three-year media silence to be involved.

Following on from this, I worked for eight years as a solo filmmaker across many parts of the globe from remote Indigenous communities across the Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia to far away places like Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bougainville, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Philippines and more. I created work for the UNDP, the World Bank, Relief International and other organisations whose work is helping to create better communities and much needed social change.

Bundling up all of my unique experience, skills and learnings from around the world, I founded  Think Films – a specialist media production studio whose focus is on creating purpose driven content.

I’m passionate about impact films that have the power to engage audiences and inspire change. I’m also passionate about supporting new and emerging impact filmmakers. My passion for social change is at the centre of everything I do at Think Films.

As a lover of learning, languages and listening, I’m passionate about strong character driven stories of impact and change, and finding ways to use my work to connect people from all walks of life and parts of the world.

I’m a seasoned expert in pulling together successful teams that get results, in making magic happen and in creating memorable experiences for all involved. A creative and inspiring producer who knows how to turn ideas into reality.

I believe every moment is precious and so is every person.

Today my
work is as...



I create and apply a vision for the duration of a project and also collaborate with a number of experts in broadcast media, multimedia and immersive media platforms.



I make things happen! I put together teams to suit projects and budgets. Plan, schedule, field produce, coordination, and everything in between.



I create concepts and turn ideas into reality working on projects from concept to completion, engaging and involving the people and communities I work with.



Through my company Think Films Ltd, I run a program called ELEVATE where I mentor new and emerging social change filmmakers to give them opportunities I wish I’d had.